About eight years ago, I started regularly contributing to an online music discussion forum called ILXOR (you can find it here). Over the next several years, I engaged in a string of spirited debates about myriad musical fine points – from whether, say, the Circle Jerks were a better band than Steely Dan (they were, by the way) to my tireless defense of the almighty Killing Joke. In the course of doing so, I managed to get to “know” a lot of my fellow regular contributors. One such individual was a gent name Mark Craig, who posted under the nom-de-plume, “Bimble.” As we both shared a fondness of shameless hyperbole and histrionic post-punk, Mark and I swiftly became ILX allies. I reigned in my ILX activity in 2006 a bit and have only stepped back into it again fairly recently. I’d kept in sporadic touch with Mark along the way, but hadn’t been as apprised of his situation as I’d previously been. Tragically,I just learned that Mark passed away on Tuesday. While I never actually met the man, I still counted him as a friend, and am shaken and saddened by this news. This one’s for BImble.
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