Hey again, y’all. Yes, it’s been an admittedly underwhelming week here at Flaming Pablum, but I’ve been up to my eyeballs lately. To further stave you over until I’m able to put up some proper original content, herewith (yet another) seemingly random aggregation of links to items that caught my eye of late. Please enjoy.
Abandon all hope all ye who enter: one blogger’s disquieting glimpse into the omnivorous cultural phenomenon that is Hello Kitty Hell!
Maybe click on this after lunch: Cracked brings you giant versions of disgusting critters. Bon appétit!
Speaking of disgusting critters, here’s a nice collection of some memorable horror movie tag-lines.
Here’s a head-scratcher: It turns out that Shepard Fairey really doesn’t dig people vandalizing his walls. Funny old world.
Continuing on the subject of street art, Gothamist asks why the NYPD gives you shit if you tag up a wall, but doesn’t blink at illegal ads.
Julian Cope weighs in on the “necrophilick Paedofest” that is the on-going Michael Jackson wake. Also, turns out that the self-styled Arch Drude isn’t a big fan of social networking either. Regardless, you should go fetch the forthcoming deluxe, two disc re-release of his sprawling meisterwerk Peggy Suicide.
Speaking of sprawling meisterwerks, that fabled box set from Kraftwerk seems like it might see the light of day sometime soon. Inspired by same, I rented that documentary from 2008 on the droidy dudes from Dusseldorf, “Kraftwerk & the Electronic Revolution.” While it certainly could have used a bit of editing, it was indeed quite interesting. See a small clip of it here.
I found this quite refreshing: One Woodstock attendee survivor tells Newsweek how much that slavishly overhyped event sucked!
Remember that roundly-upheld belief several years ago that notoriously reclusive writer Thomas Pynchon was a big fan of the frankly underwhelming indie band Lotion? Yeah, well, it turns out that that was a towering stack of crap.
While we’re on the subject of music, why not go on over to The New York Nobody Sings and check out my posts on Low, The Cro-Mags and The Clash?
Personally speaking, I haven’t yet found her very interesting or original, but evidently Lady GaGa is a puppet for the Illuminati.
Much to my pronounced glee, it seems that this long-threatened film may finally see the light of day.
Lastly, I spotted the below legend scrawled on the men's room wall of 288 on Elizabeth Street last night and felt strangely compelled to share it here.
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