Some similarly-inclined blogging comrades of mind (blogrades?) have launched an interesting new project. Dubbed "The New York Nobody Sings," this website -- forged by EV Grieve, Hunter-Gatherer and Karate Boogaloo of Stupefaction -- is "dedicated to songs about New York. As simple as that. The only rules are that the songs must be brilliant and that the blindingly obvious numbers are excluded. The songs may be explicitly about New York or obliquely about the city in some way. There are plenty of great sites dedicated to photos and images about New York. This site is designed to be a musical accompaniment."
Sounds great, right? In any case, the gents have very kindly asked me to contribute, so look for some of my entries there soonest. In the interim, it's already well worth checking out, so get on over there. Click here to see it.
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