So, as you may have gleaned from the somewhat cryptic preceding post, I'm currently out of a job again. Breathe easy, well-wishers. I was not fired nor laid off nor "job eliminated." It's merely the system. Y'see, when I landed this gig last year, I signed onto a year-long contract. The agreement was that I work for a full year and was then obligated to take 100 days off from the organization (sadly free of pay and benefits). Under ideal circumstances, I'm invited back at the end of those 100 days and brought on for another tour-of-duty as a contract employee, or -- in the best of instances -- hired on as a full-time staff member. A lot of companies are utilizing this method.
The sticking point in this situation, however, is that because of the current apocalyptic economic climate, all bets are off. The company in question has no idea if it's going to be able to bring me back. I believe they would certainly like to re-instate me and were very happy with my work, but they just don't know if they'll have the resources to do that. As such, I'm currently sniffing around for other opportunities. I'd certainly love to return to that job in three months time, but I can't count on it. So, in the interim, I'm back on the street. Today is first day of exile. One down, ninety-nine to go.
Sure, it's stressful, but there are some silver linings. Today, I went with Peggy and the kids to their school, sat in with my little son Oliver's class and mucked in with the other parents. I accompanied Charlotte's class of 4 and 5 year olds to the nearby playground, helping watch over the little flock as they toddled frenetically down the avenue. It's lovely to have the extra time with Peggy and the kids. But I'd be fibbing if I said I wasn't concerned.
With all this in mind, you can probably count on a spike in activity here. We'll see.
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