Sorry for the lull in regular posting here over the past few days, but with the world's economic infrastructure collapsing, I haven't really felt particularly inspired to post anything. I only took a fleeting semester of Economics 101 in college, and I barely made it out of that alive, so I'm really the last person to talk to on this subject. I even enrolled in a class in stocks n' bonds at the New School about ten years ago and took furious notes (knowing full fucking well that I wouldn't retain any of it in the coconut shell that is my head), but I gather this current crisis owes nothing to the layperson's fundamentals I was spoon-fed back then. Whaddya want? I was an effete, artsy English major, not an avaricious, proto-Yuppie number-cruncher.
The news hasn't been so rosy on a personal level either. After I'd amassed a laundry list of minor, little physical grievances, I decided that it was high time to give my primary care physician a jingle. I saw my wiseacre doctor on Monday afternoon, and while he said I basically seemed alright (good blood pressure, strong-sounding heart), he gave me a pile of homework (chest x-rays, bloodwork, etc.) and not so delicately reminded me that when I first saw him back in 2003, I weighed fifteen pounds less than I seem to do now. In a nutshell, I could use some "toning up," to use his terminology.
As such, I've decided that being that this is a new month (and one wherein I'm shortly to cross the perilous rubicon of my forty-first year), I'm going to get up a bit earlier every morning for the purposes of walking the fifty-someodd blocks to work. I'm also going to cut back on the needless fatty edibles. Most soul-crushingly, I'm going to scale back on my beer intake (which is sizable). I'm still going to partake on weekends and nights out, but I could probably stand to reign it in during my weeknights on the couch. The gut has got to go.
The walking to work started earlier this week. I hate the fucking subway, so the walk doesn't really bother me. I quite enjoy it, actually. Today, I had a salad for lunch. I fucking hate salad. A lot.
This might be a very long month.
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