Opening band was a dreadlocked bore.
Very limited merchandise. Was sad to learn that they WEREN'T selling the Duende disc (or any other discs) at the table. Only two shirts (both black -- one with first album cover art & dates, the other with a variation of the What's THIS for! artwork). But, y'know, who cares. Last thing I really need is YET ANOTHER Killing Joke t-shirt.
Briefly met Jaz at the bar (he drinks Diet Coke, now). He was followed by a film crew who put each of us on the spot as to our feelings about the Gathering, Killing Joke, the state of the world, the best recipe for egg salad, etc. That was odd.
Very briefly chatted with Big Paul Ferguson, who gamely remembered who the hell I was (or very convincingly pretended to).
The show itself -- BLINDING. Some technical glitches marred Geordie's sound (he looked none too pleased), but to see Big Paul and Youth up there was really superb. Big Paul is fucking unstoppable and irreplaceable. The force with which he thwacks away at those toms is awe-inspiring. Get too close and you might lose a limb. Youth as well has surprisingly great stage presence (I used to think he looked a bit out of place circa Pandemonium in 1994). Decked out in the white suit & visor (!!) and a t-shirt that read "SELFISH CUNT", he looked to be having the most fun in the room.
Amazing set list, though I was sad not to hear "Chop Chop" or "We Have Joy." Still a robust airing of "Eighties" forgives all.
CANNOT WAIT FOR ROUND TWO THIS EVENING --- although maybe I not do so much drinky drinky.
Oh, and I didn't shoot this (might try tonight, though), but here's "Eighties":
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