I don't often get into politics here on Flaming Pablum, but this Sarah Palin chapter is simply too batshit, bugfuck crazy not to address. John McCain is evidently fuming about all the questions about his new running mate's background (I mean, how dare we?) and throwing terms like "sexism" around in a vain attempt to defend her. Sure, she's a woman, and that's indeed a "breath of fresh air" (to borrow a line from fatuous blowhard Fred Thompson) for a party not normally renowned for its forward thinking, but check out Sarah Palin's spreadsheet on On The Issues for what she's done, said and supported. Her gender is ultimately incidental compared to her beliefs and her actions.
She wants to outlaw a woman's right to choose. She opposes stem cell research. She opposes gay marriage. She wants to teach creationism (y'know…talking serpents, Adam & Eve and all that) and "intelligent design" in our schools. She wants to substitute sex education in schools with abstinence (yeah, that one worked out really well for your family, Sarah). She doesn't believe that Global Warming is a man-made phenomenon. She's for drilling in her own home state's natural wildlife reserve. She evidently hates polar bears and wants them off the endangered species list. She's a fucking card-carrying gun nut. She has zero foreign policy experience. She supports ending Washington D.C.'s 32-year ban on handguns. Allegedly, she's had ties to an independent party that wanted Alaska to secede. She regularly attends a church that firmly believes in the power of speaking in tongues. She went back to work only three days after her fifth child – one with special needs – was born. And she's a zealous supporter of aerial wolf gunning (i.e. unsportingly shooting wolves from the safety and comfort of an aircraft). Nice, right?
With all this in mind, I'm fine with letting the wolves have their way with her.
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