Just as a nice coda to this earlier piece:
I was perusing my list of favorite weblogs recently, and spotted an item on the always-provocative blog of Metal Dad (great tag line: Smart, Sober, Hostile, unlike my weblog, which would probably be Dim, Drunk, Eager To Please). In the item in question, MD's son encountered a film crew at a recent Chicago hardcore show. Apparently The History Channel is putting together a documentary about the evolution of Punk Rock.
Let's rewind that and roll it by again, shall we? The History Channel -- an organization normally renowned for documenting phenomena like Hitler's rise to power, The American Civil War, The Fall of the Roman Empire and What Really Killed the Dinosaurs -- is taking on the topic of Punk Rock. At this risk of belaboring a very obvious point, let me just put an exclamation point on the issue. Punk Rock, therefore, is HISTORY!
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