TITLE: "Drop The Bombs"
ARTIST: Cop Shoot Cop
I have to go see my accountant this morning, which might help explain the not-entirely-sunny tone of this post.
There was survey of sorts recently on The Gathering (the online cabal of Killing Joke zealots) soliciting everyone's favorite "angry songs." This was a tough task for me, being that nine tenths of my favorite music seems to deal exclusively in expressions of anger. But alongside such furious gems as "I Will Refuse" by Pailhead, "Vengeance" by New Model Army, "Exorcism" by Killing Joke, "The Watch Song" by Shellac, "Turned Out" by Helmet and "Five Minutes" by The Stranglers, I cited "Drop The Bombs" by - wait for it - Cop Shoot Cop. This track never made it onto any of their albums, but a live version was released on a split 7" with Helmet. This particular version, I believe, is from a Peel Session in 1991.
Despite its lack of inclusion on any of the band's albums, "Drop The Bombs" is trademark Cop Shoot Cop. It rages, clatters and scrapes in a series of stuttering lunges, but still completely swings with a bruised fistful of bass for your face. Amidst the shrieking clamor, Tod [A] unleashes a faithless, anarchic screed that sweepingly condemns the entirety of the human race in a flaming cocktail of abject loathing.
"Drop The Bombs" is hateful, ugly nihilism writ large and pure, white hot catharsis should you need something severe to relieve the tension before you start punching the walls red. A friend from The Gatherng mentioned that he was curious to hear it, so here it is. Duck and cover.
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