It's six years to the day (and a Tuesday, no less) since the events of September 11th, 2001. Honestly, I really have nothing major to add to the sentiments I've expressed in the past two years. This particular anniversary seems a bit muted in comparison to the ones that preceded it. Perhaps people are truly moving on? Forgetting? The news of the day -- especially General Petraeus' assessment of the "progress" in Iraq -- seems to be holding the lion's share of the headlines.
At the end of this day, the man behind the plot is still at large (and laughing from a distance), the hole his emissaries left in the ground where the Twin Towers once stood is still empty and the same repulsively idiotic president is still occupying the White House. The people of this nation, the people of the world and all the people who lost their lives (including my friend from high school) deserve much better than this, much less an explanation as to what's been done in their name.
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