So, here we are ankle-deep in July, and already I'm busier than any sentient earthling has a need to be. Because the Fourth of July falls in the middle of the week this year, I had to return to the city from Quogue last night-- leaving the wife and children at my sister's place -- to assume the reigns back at The Job for Monday and Tuesday. Tuesday night, I'm hopping back on the train to zip back out to Long Island, partaking of some familial festivities, and then zipping back on Wednesday night, to hop back into the saddle for Thursday and Friday. And because Al Gore sucks such a big greasy one (and not just because of all that P.M.R.C. nonsense back in the day), I'll probably have to spend this coming Saturday in front of the `puter, monitoring events at the Live Earth concerts on July 7th (yeah, like it woulda killed anybody to hold the thing on a Wednesday or something. Douchebag!) After that, I'll hop on another train back out to Quogue, so I can pick up Peggy, Charlotte and Oliver and drive them back to NYC.
Beyond that, I'm perilously blotchy from "playing" golf this past weekend with haphazardly-applied sunscreen. I was also set upon by the tiny armies of pollen yesterday, which had me double-dosin' the Claritin to absolutely zero discernible effect. I was sneezy and bleary-eyed all day, and continue to be even back here in the big shitty city. Maybe I'm simply allergic to oxygen? Oy.
At the very least, it's nice that the Charlotte and Oliver can spend this week out in the county, running around on some soft grass and actual beachy sand, instead of the unrelenting pavement and always-disquietingly-moist sand in the Washington Square Park playground. It's strange being back in the apartment alone, without the constant fear of waking up/tripping over one of my little people. After a sneezy train ride back to the city last night, I was tempted to fire up the stereo and crank up some very loud music at an exceptionally irresponsible volume (something I very rarely get to do with little kids in the house), but my allergies still had me feeling like a leper with a dissolving face, so I abstained. Maybe tonight.
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