I realize that I wasted an awful lot of bandwidth lamenting the slow, arduous demise of CBGB, but I spotted something last night that really threw me for a loop. Walking South down University Place on my way home from work, I couldn't help noticing that the mighty Cedar Tavern (a.k.a. "My Second Living Room" 1996-2002) was closed. I initially calmed my nerves by suggesting to myself that they'd probably closed it temporarily for a movie shoot or to change the oil in the fryer or because of a death in the family or something. When I got home, my neighbor said he'd heard that they were closing it for several month so as to build yet another condominium above it (the Cedar Tavern is a stately two story building with lots of, I suppose, lucrative air space above it). Sure enough, upon my stroll by it on my walk to work this morning, a small sign tacked to the window said that the Cedar would be closed for the "next several months" to accommodate said construction. More can be gleaned from this article.
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