And now a quick word from the youngest representative of the organization...
Hello, friends. Oliver here. My father can't come to the computer right now, because he's nursing the whopping great headache my sister and I have been giving him. See, here's the thing: there's a battle of wills going on here. Myself? I don't like sleeping. I do it as infrequently as possible, and only when it's the least convenient for the rest of the household. I'm also a very light sleeper and will rise and scream at the slightest provocation (like, say, blinking too loudly). My big sister Charlotte, meanwhile, has crossed the threshold into the realm of the so-called "Terrible Twos." As such, she's mastered the art of fussy eating (or not eating, in her case) and become quite accomplished at whining, making illogical demands at inopportune times and throwing tantrums that are truly a spectacle to behold, let alone listen to. All told, I'd say that collectively, my sibling and I are winning this struggle. In any case, this is why there's been a span of several days since my father last posted here. I'm sure he'll be back on soon, however, to bring you another needless missive about some justifiably forgotten, rinky-dinky Punk Rock band from 1981 or some other trivial crap like that. If you are similarly preoccupied with such drivel, do stick around.
Meanwhile, I need a burp and change, so I'm signing off for now.
Oliver in NYC
PS: Yes, those are cockroaches on the design of my handsome overalls. Why anyone saw fit to decorate children's clothing with images of said tenacious vermin is quite beyond my small months, but go figure, as the grown-ups say.
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