While you're doubtlessly starving for yet another installment of The Pablum Playlist or another post about how I hate tourists or why I think the eating of salmon is tantamount to coprophagia or why I firmly believe that Funhouse by the Stooges is a far better album than anything boring old Bob Dylan ever whinily pulled out of his ass, I've compiled a short list of other noteworthy stops on the giant internet bus that you should really go check out. Please do avail yourself to....
The Artwork of Eric Joyner: Eric Joyner is a somewhat strange artist dude with a penchant for donut-fixated tin robots that borders on the entirely unhealthy. But I think his stuff is hugely imaginative, hilarious and brilliant.
Pat Stack vs. Sex in the City: Boldly proclaiming what many males have furtively whispered to themselves for years, my comrade Pat makes plain his feelings about this particular series' cultural impact.
The New York City Photography of Robert Otter: I've praised his work here on Flaming Pablum before, but Ned Otter has since updated his website showcasing the work of his photographer father, offering a rare, candid glimpse of the downtown Manhattan of the mid-60's.
Postcards from the Other Side of the World: I've written about this `blog before as well, but after a brief respite back here in the States, my pal Tod (erstwhile singer/songwriter for the band, Firewater and formerly of the mighty Cop $hoot Cop, a fact he doubtlessly wishes I'd stop bringing up) is about to undertake an ambtious overland trek from New Delhi, India to Istanbul, Turkey, invariably trudging through some arguably inhospitable parts of the globe in the process. An arduous journey? It certainly promises to be, but it should also make for some engrossing reading, and Tod hopes to document as much of it as possible. If his entries regarding his previous trip to Thailand and India are anything to go by, some great stuff awaits.
Candy in a Barrel: My friend, John (a.k.a Hot Johnny and variations thereof) has a lot of time on his hands. I should know, as I used to work the same overnight shifts that he does now at the TIME Magazine news desk. In any event, when not fixing broken news, John can be found either updating his own silly weblog, or adding to this new site with stuff he's found while dumpster-diving around the Blogosphere. Enjoy, but don't forget to wash your hands afterwards.
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