I recently gave my friend and fellow ex-TIME Bandit, Pat, a bit of grief for a post on his weblog about adopting a "quasi-vegetarin" lifestyle. "Pat," I said, "you have canines in your mouth for a reason. Don't be ashamed of them." I'm an unapologetic carnivore, and -- health permitting -- plan on always being so. Pat calmly reasoned that he wasn't forgoing the yummy goodness of meat because he didn't like it, but rather he was adopting a veg-heavy diet for health reaons. Fair enough. While I normally rationalize my practice of eating somewhat irresponsibly via the credo, "Eat Right, Stay Fit, Die Anyway," Pat's point did get me thinking. Apart from the absolutely spectacular meals my wife seemingly whips out of thin air (while simultaneously wrangling our little people, Charlotte and Oliver), I've been consuming an awful lot of crap lately. In the mornings, I'm usually lurching out the door fueled only by coffee, only to scarf down either a bowl of cereal or an egg'n'cheese-on-a-roll when I get to the office with digestion-impeding stealth. In terms of lunch, I'm either hastily inhaling a sandwhich at my desk or -- in what has become a somewhat off-putting habit -- making do with a street-side hot dog and a Grande Mocha Frappacino from Starbucks. Not entirely the healthiest of options, I know.
For most of my life, I've been blessed with the sort of metabolism that has allowed me to consume relatively large amounts without ever gaining a great deal of weight. As time has gone on, though, age has crept up on me and my metabolsim has slowed to the extent that what I consume now does take a noticeable toll. In light of this, while I'd sooner cut off my own tongue than swear off meat, I was thinking of possibly taking a break from my beer consumption for a couple of months.
Now, at this point, I should point out that I love beer more than I love oxygen. And not just in a dumb "party `til ya puke" frat guy-sorta way. I love the variety of beer. I choose different beers to suit different moods. I like beer with my meals. I like to drink Sapporo with sushi, Moretti with pasta and -- when I can find it -- Almaza with babaganoush. I like Lone Star when I'm attempting to relax with my in-laws in Texas, Ranier when I'm bitching about the rain in Seattle and Berliner Kindl when I'm gettin' my Cold War post-punk vibe on in Berlin. I like shitty z-grade beer when I'm in roadhouses with sawdust on the floors and license plates on the wall, and I like high-end, ridiculously exspensive beer when I'm forced to wear a tie and be sociable. Wine, for the most part, gives me headaches and heartburn. Beer is what I order. So, it's not like I'd be solely giving up the Bad Wizard (Budweiser), but verily the incalculable splendor that is all beer.
I know what you're thinking. "Oh for cryin' out loud, Alex" you scoff, "you have kids! The era of your nights out on the tiles are long over!" Maybe so, but let me tell you: While I may have traded in my status as a scowly, beer-swiggin' rock pig in favor of a doting dad and dutiful homebody, that certainly doesn't preclude me from enjoying beer. Quite the opposite. After my little son has seen fit to spit up, "Exorcist"-stylee all over a favorite t-shirt of mine and screams in my ear with the seeming intention of alerting everyone in a five block radius of his pronounced displeasure, the beer beckons from our refridgerator like the Sirens called to Odysseus. And being that there is no mast in our apartment to tie myself to, to the fridge I dutifully go. And being that I let my membership to Crunch lapse quite a while ago, the wear'n'tear is startng to show.
But as much as I enjoy -- nay -- cherish beer, the combination of a steady intake of same with my not-entirely-sound diet isn't doing wonders for my well-being. So, I'm considering swearing off its sumptious golden divinity for a month or two. Of course, being that we're at the doorstep of Summer, I might re-think this.
Maybe I should just give up those Mocha Frappacinos.
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