Just a quick entry to cite some weblog updates. Further pictures have been added to the Vanishing Downtown photo page, which you can see by clicking here .
Just to clog up the weblog with more needless ephemera, I've recently added a list of a few songs that I'm suggesting you avail yourself to. They're just some tracks that have been blowing a new part in my hair in recent days. I dig'em. You might too. You can find that by scrolling down on the bar to the left.
Since they're starting to pile up, I thought it might be a good idea to address a handful of the comments that have been logged, so here goes.
In response to my entry about the remastered Killing Joke albums, Matos W.K. writes: I don't think Raw Power is a very good example, for one reason: the '97 edition wasn't just remastered, it was completely remixed. Very different thing.
Even though Matos is an exceptionally well informed guy whose claims I'd never normally dispute, I dug out my copy of Raw Power just to make sure, and color me embarassed. Matos is absolutely right. The 1997 edition was indeed entirely remixed by Ig. I stand corrected. Thanks, Matos.
In response to my entry about the Wawa Canteen, Paul writes: A problem with this place is that it doesn't look like the actually have any food there. It looks very sterile and sort of unindulgent, which has always put me off (I wander past it often, working at NYU). Almost a bit George Jetson-ish, like the food would magically appear on a conveyer belt..
In Wawa's further defense, I ordered in some delivery from them earlier in the week, and it was absolutely top drawer stuff. I still highly recommend the place.
In response to my entry regarding Patti Smith's Horses, a reader who prefers to remain anonymous writes: This is such unbelivably pompous crap - let's hope it never finds its way out of Germany.
Well, ya can't please everyone.
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