So, after some careful consideration and friendly prodding by seemingly well-intentioned parties, I've decided to go ahead and launch a Blog. It may not look like much at the moment, but bear with me and I promise it'll soon be chock full of items of arguable quality and dubious distinction and hopefully an unsavory image or two.
Having spent the past few years spewing my oft-volcanic opinions around various internet forums without the faintest concern for repercussion, I figured it would make a bit more sense to consolidate my thoroughly unsolicited musings in one place for the purposes of focus and discipline. We'll see if that actually works. In any case, it'll hopefully be a rewarding experiment and not just a slavish exercise in masturbatory time-wasting. We'll see.
As a bit of background, I'm a native New Yorker living in worryingly expensive Manhattan, currently toiling at a major weekly news magazine and freelance writing on the side. That certainly sounds nice, doesn't it? Well, as interesting as it indeed is, I work two grueling overnight shifts a week and have been doing so for a little over a decade. But I'm stepping up my efforts these days to improve my vocational situation in order to secure a more creatively fulfilling job that will hopefully boast a work schedule more conducive to my family situation (I'm married to a devastatingly exquisite woman, and we have a little daughter who is almost a year and a half old). Extricating myself from this particular cul de sac is proving to be an arduous, frustrating and painfully slow undertaking, but I'm learning as I go. Hopefully, positive updates will follow.
Outside of my circadian rhythm-skewing professional life, my time is largely spent looking after our daughter, Charlotte and obsessing about music (the primary subject of my freelance writing and life-long passion). While parenthood has sizably curtailed the amount of time I'm able to devote to this hobby (I hate that word), my voracious appetite for music remains relatively undiminished. Though I've been forced to sell off large swathes of my collection and relegate other portions to the dank confines of mini-storage, there is still an ongoing conflict over space in our apartment between my compact disc collection (its numbers swelling well over the 2,000 mark -- though, let's be honest, not all of it is especially "essential listening") and the disquieting accumulation of baby-related gear. Then there's our daughter, who has grown alarmingly fond of rifling through the disc shelves (the ones she's able to reach), and subjecting their meticulously ordered contents to a rigorous series of physical endurance tests. As I type this, she's invariably at home right now repeatedly slamming a rare, dearly prized Japanese import disc by the Stranglers against the floor and drooling giddily as she does so. Steps are being taken to find new accomodations for my discs, but the process is a slow one.
But, I'm not just a hapless music geek. I'm also strenuously opinionated about film, photography, books, food, and New York City life in general and I hope to fill this blog with a wide variety of posts on these and other topics. But, like I said, I'm just getting started. Stay tuned, as they say.
Over and out for now....
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